Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The 2 Mandatory Things You Need to Get Your First Client (and 3 more things Id highly encourage) - When I Grow Up

The 2 Mandatory Things You Need to Get Your First Client (and 3 more things Id highly encourage) - When I Grow Up It’s SO OVERWHELMING to think of all the ways you’ve been told you should, or need, or have to market your business, amIright? Stuff like: social media (Instagram, Facebook pages, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, LinkedIn, anything the kids are using) newsletters free webinars or calls podcasts interviews tele-summits ads: Facebook and/or Pinterest and/or Instagram Facebook live speaking gigs networking groups attending conferences blogging guest posting Facebook groups: joining ones or starting your own And this is just off the top of my head! But let’s remember, you want to start your own biz because you want to run things YOUR way. You want to feel in YOUR element. You want to LIKE what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. So you get to call the shots, and market your business how YOU’d like. Hooray! Here are the two non-negotiable things every new business owner must have to successfully launch their biz and keep things moving: An offer. Crazy, right? You need to have some way to make money, whether its a product you make or a service you offer. Without that, you got nothing. You might have a site or a blog or an Instagram account, but without an offer, youre not a business. Believe it or not, I make my clients put out an offer before they have THE BUSINESS IDEA all the time and thats because I believe its the best way to get the information as to whether you like this and what you like (and don’t like!) about it. You can think and talk about it all you want, but nothing will help you figure it out like doing it.   Take that idea that’s been in the back of your mind the one deep down in your heart, that makes your stomach lurch a bit when you think of it, that you’ve been convincing yourself won’t work or is dumb, that feels really important to you. Thats your offer. What can you teach, make, or consult on that feels easy and important to you?  Thats your offer. An APB email an All Points Bulletin to your trusted people. You need to open your mouth and tell people about your business or business idea, and your offer. I’ve yet to hear from a single person whose first client or customer came from Google. If you build it, they WILL not come unless you tell them about it. No, you do NOT need to include everyone you’ve ever talked to. No, you do NOT need to include anyone from your day job that isn’t to be trusted. No, you do NOT need to include anyone who has been a jerkface about your being an entrepreneur. Yes, you DO need to include your support network, even if they don’t directly need your offering they could know someone who does! Yes, you DO need to be specific as to what you’re doing, who it’s for, and what you want them to do. Yes, you CAN offer to do or share something for them that’ll be helpful, so it’ll feel less selfish. Those are the non-negotiables. You need those 2 pieces to getting your first clients and making money. However, I’d encourage you to add these other 3 pieces: A website. Did ya notice I didnt say you needed one to start making money? Thats cause you dont! I have a client now who crafted her offer, sent her APB, and less than a month later received her first referral! Thats right: no website needed just a positive talk-up from her friend to his client who he thought could need her services. I would say, though, that a website needs to be third on the priority list, as its the best way to establish trust, connection and expertise with your prospective clients and customers. Also, a client of mine just got her first client through Google only a month after quitting her job. I KNOW. You cant do that without a website. A newsletter.  This is a non-negotiable when you launch your site. I’d apologize if this fills you with dread or if you’re rolling your eyeballs at me right now, but I’m not sorry. You know why? Your newsletter people are your VIPs. They’re the ones who’ve raised their hands and have said, “Yes, hi. I really connect to what you’re saying here, and I’d like to invite you into my already very crowded Inbox because I don’t want to miss anything you want me to know.” This is so important! And so valuable! These are your most interested people, and we need to give them some TLC. That’s why you need to send a minimum of one newsletter/month. Remember: YOU could be the person to solve their problem, whether it’s helping them get out of their unfulfilling jobs or showing them the necklace they’ve been searching for. By you keeping this info to yourself, or not pointing it out directly, then you’re not helping them solve their problem. You’re keeping them in the dark in confusion, in stress, in frustration. Stop it. You’re a helper. Let’s help. One social media channel.  The best part about this is that this is your choice. Hate writing content? Then dont put up a blog page. Not interested in posting pics? Then choose Facebook instead of Instagram. Seriously, there are so many ways to go (ya see all those examples at the top of the post? Theyre only growing!), use the platform in which you shine. If you love writing, then keep your blog and newsletter and guest posts as your main marketing tool. If you love chatting with your audience, try Facebook Live videos or free webinars. If youre a photo stylist in the making, let Insta be your jam.   Heres a caveat, though: Work within your ease, as long as thats where your people are. Being on social media platforms that you hate because you feel you should wont do you any favors, since itll be obvious that you dont wanna be there. But if you know, for example, that all your people are on Facebook and you hate Facebook, you might have to bite the bullet and learn to enjoy it. Feeling uncomfortable yet? Good!  I’ve yet to work with any aspiring or new business owner that didn’t have to work outside her comfort zone. So, let’s get comfortable with being uncomfortable, shall we?  Its the only way to launch your business with real, live clients and grow it into a real, live income you can live on.  #sorrynotsorry Want help on discovering and pricing your first offer, more clarity as to the marketing thats best for you, swipe copy for your APB email, newsletter content ideas, time management tips, financial help and more when it comes to making a plan to  leave your day job and launch your biz in 2017? Then join me on Dec 11th by signing up for my webinar! early bird discount is on like Donkey Kong.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tips For Writing Active, Dynamic Resumes

Tips For Writing Active, Dynamic ResumesIf you want to learn the best tips for passive, rigid resumes, then you should watch the following active, dynamic verbs resume writing examples. These are recommended for you if you are a writer who is interested in learning how to write effective resumes. They will teach you how to use the active and dynamic verbs in your resume.The important thing to remember when writing a resume is to stick to the necessary information and leave out all the extraneous details. In order to do this, you need to get rid of all the filler words that you might have added at the end of your resume. This is because they will look boring and unprofessional. In addition, they are pointless because people do not usually go into great detail when applying for a job.But if you want to write an effective resume, then you must learn the powerful active verbs like be, have, have not, see, etc. Now you have to memorize all the active verbs in order to create a balanced re sume. The use of active verbs will help you express the important information about yourself.The use of passive verbs is also very important if you want to get better at writing resumes. This is because passive verbs are mostly used in jobs where they are only required. If you want to know the advantages of passive verbs, you should watch these examples. You can learn about them by checking out resumes from other people.The last set of resume writing examples is useful if you want to learn how to write an effective resume. The example is about how to use the passive voice in your resume. This will provide you with a very interesting perspective about the role that the passive voice has in writing a resume. It will show you that you should try to balance your resume using a combination of active and passive verbs. By using the passive voice, you can save time and improve your job search skills.Using the examples from these examples and applying them to your resume will help you under stand how to write an effective resume. However, you should keep in mind that different resumes look different. If you want to improve your resume, then you should practice your resume writing as often as possible. This is so that you will be able to learn how to write a resume based on a specific subject and employer.Finally, the most important career aspect that you should learn about when you want to make a career change is the mindset. This is because every career change will not be as easy as you think.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Secret of Career Coaching Resume Writing Portland That Nobody Is Discussing

The Secret of Career Coaching Resume Writing Portland That Nobody Is Discussing What Does Career Coaching Resume Writing Portland Mean? The cost for your Resume is dependent on your years of experience. It's problematic for an employer to resist genuine interest and enthusiasm, along with your understanding of the business! Nevertheless, it might be better should you would secure a writing resume coaching, because it's possible to modify based on your requirements and company you're implementing. Changing careers is frequently a daunting idea. Get the Scoop on Career Coaching Resume Writing Portland Before You're Too Late Including being part of a fraternity isn't a lousy situation to include especially if you had a leadership role. You don't need to be concerned about having a resume writer who's unaware of the role which you're applying for. Whenever you'd impact any career, however big it is actually, you are going to have to deliver a curriculum vitae. You're not writin g about work, you're writing since they need you. You may direct individuals to that page if you don't have a resume to hand. The job market is extremely competitive at this time. The absolute most important consideration to remember when beginning the resume writing process, is to be pleased with your option to stay home and manage your family members. Thank you so much Vicki for all your help in what can be a soul-sucking process whenever you do it all on your own! What You Must Know About Career Coaching Resume Writing Portland Resume cover letters are an essential portion of the job application process for any jobseeker who would like to stand out and receive the best possibility of making a great first impression. The cover letter lets you offer specifics that may not appear on your resume. An assistant coach cover letter ought to be written particularly for the position you're hoping to obtain, using details from the work listing to generate the document detailed and distinctive. In a professional-level search, there are unique letters for various purposes! Making the very best job application you can isn't pretty much standing out but additionally, it is extremely important to constantly think about the requirements of the employer and demonstrate the way your profile fits what they are searching for. Share your bigger accommodation achievements and prove you are able to do the job larger than the additional applicants. Experience List your latest jobs.